March 22, 2006

Barring Certain Philosophical Discourses

I am, perhaps, somewhat well known for my near complete inability to sleep in anything approaching regularity. More often than not this tossing is accompanied but the great vanilla chocolate swirl that is my thoughts: thoughts on anything including the highest temperature at which one can become hypothermic, what the constituent minerals of lapis lazuli are, how to flip a pancake without all the crap spraying all over the place, etc.

For the most part I observe what I have come to refer to as the 20% rule, that is only 20% of the swirl ever makes its way to some kind of vocalic expression. The remaining 80%, then, breeds with itself and produces some of what will become 20% and some which by it's very wackiness will demonstrate that certain soon-to-be-former residents of the 80% are now timid enough to stop out for the occasional walk. The 80% is where most of my "hard thinking" takes place and is more than partially responsible for my opinions occasionally coming out of left field.

Topic: Desire-Will-Control-Power

I like to come up with sequences, sometimes causal sequences that help me define for myself what exactly it is I mean when I say something is something else. Most of my confusion results from people (including myself) using a word in a way I have never heard before, so with each new datum, I like to refine my sequences so as better to accommodate what practical usages come my way. An example:

Moving from inside to outside (alt. from self to other): desire is the emotional/rational reflection of a want or need "I want to punch Mike in the balls." Will is the first projection of desire. Desire generates a certain degree of pressure in the self (most will note I'm stealing this from Nietzsche) that initially finds it's valve in will "I get up the nerve to punch Mike in the balls." This pressure is akin to entropy, being here the greater tendency of potential energy to become kinetic energy. If desire continues to build pressure without any sort of projection, it can find a certain conversion (though not relief) in the form of frustration in much the same way chemical waste from metabolism builds up as lactic acid if it isn't flushed out. Will can find a physical manifestation in the form of control. Control uses the energy generated by will from desire in order to act. Once again frustration provides an alternative should the will not get used up "I clench my fist and hurl it toward Mike's balls." Control over something is power. When control finds its object, when control connects with an other, it becomes power "I punch Mike in the balls." I think this is why knowledge is a kind of power. Knowledge is control over arbitrary bits of information, namely in the ability to accept or reject (I'm not sure whether I'm agreeing or disagreeing with Foucault her; that whole exchange metaphor usually makes my eyes permanently roll in their sockets). If you want to you could even stick threat in there: the lingering presence of power "Mike is wary of me punching him in the balls again."

So there you have it, a complete thought of mine arranged in a semi-comprehensible format. Bon Apetit!

N.B. The examples are merely chosen for levity.


At 3:24 PM, Blogger Michael K. said...

*staggers around room, holding crotch*...


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