December 29, 2005

If, in the near future, you should be flying over Mito in your B-2 bomber, I've provided the following aerial photograph to aid you in your mission. Should you need to precision bomb my apartment, please direct your sight to the red target noted in the adjacent photograph. Now, be very careful so as not to hit the supermarket (blue), as many neighboring families may starve for want of food, seeing as the other supermarket is on the complete other side of town, and we wouldn't want to have to get up off our lazy asses for too long. Also, do try to avoid the train station as well (green), as it is quite close to my apartment building. Well, of course, that's something of a misnomer. It sure does appear to be quite close to my apartment, but you in fact have to walk a quarter mile past the train station in order to cross the railroad tracks. You see, most train stations in Japan have entrances on either side of the tracks, but our lovely station staff couldn't look up from their idiotic newspapers long enough to even conceive of the possibility that maybe it's a fucking pain in the ass for those of who live on the other side of the tracks.

So, remember, bomb red; pass blue and green.


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